Am 20.12.2008 um 00:31 schrieb Mojca Miklavec:
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 11:57 PM, Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
Mojca, I'm a bit slow tonight: what's weird about these files?
I have never seen <[ and << in map files before, but most probably these are completely legal characters. It's just my ignorance, probably nothing with the file, really.
After taking a closer look it seems to be an extention (with very weird syntax) to enable otf fonts. One rarely sees support for those in pdfTeX. (Even ttf seems to appear weird to TeXies.)
Don't know what <[ is supposed to do but << is necessary to use OpenType fonts with pdfTeX. Here is the explanation from the pdfTeX manual. If the font file name is preceded by a double <<, the font file will be included entirely — all glyphs of the font are embedded, including even the ones that are not used in the document. Apart from causing large size pdf output, this option may cause troubles with TrueType fonts, so it is normally not recommended for Type1 or TrueType fonts. But this is currently the only mode that allows the use of OpenType fonts. This mode might also be useful in case the font is atypical and can not be subsetted well by pdfTX. Beware: some font vendors forbid full font inclusion. Wolfgang