Hello, I'm using ConTeXt minimals MKIV (latest snapshot) on Linux with loads of system ttf & otf fonts. Recently I stumbled upon a peculiar problem. The example below outputs three lines in three different fonts, the Computer/Latin(?) Modern, League Script and Pompadour, as expected. However, if I comment out \setupbodyfont line or set anything else as the body font than LeagueScript or Pompadour, all text in the document will be output solely with the default Modern font. Am I missing something here? Is there something wrong with the way I select and use multiple fonts in the same document? \setuppapersize[A4][A4] \starttypescript[Sans][LeagueScript] \definefontsynonym[Sans][name:leaguescriptthin] \stoptypescript \starttypescript[Sans][Pompadour] \definefontsynonym[Sans][name:Pompadour] \stoptypescript \definetypeface[LeagueScript][ss][Sans][LeagueScript] \definetypeface[Pompadour][ss][Sans][Pompadour] \setupbodyfont[LeagueScript,12pt] \starttext 01234567890 \switchtotypeface[LeagueScript][12pt] 01234567890 \switchtotypeface[Pompadour][12pt] 01234567890 \stoptext Best regards, Otso Helenius