juh+ntg-context--- via ntg-context schrieb am 05.08.2022 um 19:04:
Dear all,
I have this:
\starttyping foo └── bar ├── baz │ └── index.html └── index.html
The source code is generated with the linux command "tree".
The special characters which indicate the folder depth are not displayed.
I guess that I could define a fallbackfont. Do anyone know the unicode range that should be covered and the font that has these characters?
You need box drawing [1] characters. When you need fonts with a wide range of character the Noto [2] family is a good choice. %%%% begin example \definefontfamily [noto] [rm] [Noto Serif] \definefontfamily [noto] [ss] [Noto Sans] \definefontfamily [noto] [tt] [Noto Sans Mono] \definetypeface [noto] [mm] [math] [pagella] [default] \setupbodyfont [noto] \starttext \starttyping foo └── bar ├── baz │ └── index.html └── index.html \stoptyping \stoptext %%%% end example [1] https://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2500.pdf [2] https://github.com/notofonts/noto-fonts Wolfgang