hi, i'm tired of fixing \dogetfigurefilename in every new version. i have already shown that there is something wrong with it in my mail from 17.01.2007 http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20070117.153030.344c6989.en.html i don't say, that i understand the complex code for figure inclusion, but it is obvious that the following code is at least questionable. (taken from x-fig-00.tex and x-res-04.tex) \def\dogetfigurefilename#1% {\ifx\figurefilename\empty \bgroup \xdef\figurefilebasepath{#1}% \assignfullfilename{#1}\figurefilebase\to\filename \expanded{\processXMLfilegrouped{\filename.xml}}% \ifx\figurefilename\empty\else % ^^^^^^ % is already tested in the prior \ifx test; if it's not changed % in the meantime...(\filename?) % \globallet\figurefilebase\figurefilebase % ^^^^^^ % does *nothing* (\filename works for me) \fi \egroup \fi} i have worked with a patched version for the last two month and had no (more) problems with figure inclusion. without it the pdf figure base is not found, although the corresponding xml file (which is found) is in the same directory. any comments are welcome. greetings, peter