ok, even nicer:
\definefontfallback[FakeSansCaps] [SansEmboldened] [0x0000-0xFFFF] [rscale=.8,method=uppercase]
which will remap all lowercase in the font so that you also get accented characters
I do not like ‘emboldened’ as it results in a very ugly screen preview for me. But the new ‘uppercase’ feature is really neat, since it makes something that I had in mind for IBM Plex very easy to implement. Here is the demo: \starttypescriptcollection [plextest] \starttypescript [sans] [plextest] \setups[font:fallback:sans] \definefontsynonym [Sans] [file:IBMPlexSans-regular] [features=default] \definefontsynonym [SansDarker] [file:IBMPlexSans-text] [features=default] \definefontfallback[FakeSansCaps] [SansDarker] [0x0000-0xFFFF] [rscale=0.75,method=uppercase] \definefontsynonym [SansCaps] [file:IBMPlexSans-regular] [fallbacks=FakeSansCaps] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [plextest] \definetypeface [plextest] [ss] [sans] [plextest] [default] [features=default] \stoptypescript \stoptypescriptcollection \usetypescript[plextest] \setupbodyfont[plextest] \starttext \startTEXpage Some camelcase and number and {\sc SoMe CaMeLcAsE TeXt with Numbers and also EA\"e\'a\ae\AE\ and whatever has lowercase, like Effe Flink} but also different stuff \stopTEXpage \stoptext This only works for font families with many weights (IBM Plex has eight), but there are more of those around these days. With a bit of tweaking to the rscale, it should be possible to get visually correct greyness values for all of the family's fonts except for the most bold one (bold smallcaps is generally ugly anyway). Best wishes, Taco