On 08/15/2011 11:51 AM, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد wrote:
Dear Knights,
A lot of the criticism seems to miss the point :-)
Part of the aim of the Book is to bring in new users, most of us here already know what we're doing. And M$-Windows dominates the marketplace for better or for worse.
I want to break out of the usual paradigm of presenting TeX and try something new and fresh. I want to give ConTeXt to my (or your) secretary, not just to geeks like most of us. I want to get them rolling as smoothly as possible. Telling a total newbie to go find one's own editor is not going to expand the ConTeXt ecosystem very efficiently.
As I said, the Book will not be "tied" to an editor. But I will use one as a way of easing the way for the maximum number of total non-geeks to get involved with ConTeXt. That's part of the vision I have.
Hi Idris, I'm a ConTeXt newbie (although I have been using LaTeX for 10 years). I'd use TeXworks as the editor, since it is available for Windows, Macintosh and Linux. And it can be installed with TeXLive (and updated with TLContrib). Remember: one install to rule them all ;-). So you avoid having to implement lexer scripting. BTW, I guess you plan to release the book under standard copyright license, do you? (Just asking.) Just in case it helps, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk