Hi to all! I am new to ConTeXt and list and i want to stay for log! I have been rading lang-ita.tex and I see some error. I have post in comp.text.tex and Giuseppe Bilotta has sugest to send a patch to this list. I don't know how can i send the patch (a diff output is enough). What is an intermezzo for? I don't know if the traslation is ok. I'm also interested in adding basque language. Basque is not a romance language, but the typesetting is very similar to spanish. Some differences: 1) Instead of Chpater 1 -- in basque ---> 1 Kapitulua (Chapter) 2) When hypenating a compound word in the hypen, in the next line a hypen is also necesary anai-arrebak is hypendated anai- -arrebak 2) What files have i to change to add support for basque? Thanks in advance Zunbeltz