On 16 Jul 2021, at 20:55, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 7/15/2021 10:30 PM, Bruce Horrocks wrote:
On 15 Jul 2021, at 18:58, Hans Hagen
wrote: I was wondering about that too. I admit that I looked into maps years ago but never could find quality data files.
Does this help? https://www.naturalearthdata.com i was halfway writing as reader for that fiel format when i noticed that is is also quite low res so i gave up on that and started playing (extending) with an more interesting alternative that mojca and i wrote years ago at a meeting
Off the top of my head I'm not aware of any higher resolution sources of global data - what scale were you thinking of? For the UK there are free maps down to street level, either as a single file or API. The API details are here: https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/business-government/products/maps-api The license allows free use for apps made available to the public. — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK