On Friday 13 June 2008 09:52:13 am Andrea Valle wrote:
Concerning posters (at least that "graphic" category of posters):
If you have to move a graphic element by hand in search of fine tuning (which is optical in design, helas, not computational) the only way in batch-processing based sw is to re-compile, many and many times. Such a process can be quite slow if you have a large format with high res images. So you pass a considerable part of your time looking and the console. This result in unfavouring fine optical tuning.
So, the problem for me is not the result but the process.
Agree in part. I like to use Scribus for graphics-intensive work but the file sizes can get out of sight. But it's great for book covers. -- John Culleton Resources for every author and publisher: http://wexfordpress.com/tex/shortlist.pdf http://wexfordpress.com/tex/packagers.pdf http://www.creativemindspress.com/newbiefaq.htm http://www.gropenassoc.com/TopLevelPages/reference%20desk.htm