Am 24.05.22 um 18:43 schrieb Pablo Rodriguez via ntg-context:
But what I experienced in Acrobat Reader DC (on a borrowed computer) is that you get the standard image (only when field is enabled) when you click elsewhere in the document.
I guess that this may be related to a missing implementation, but first I would like to confirm you are experiencing the same.
Custom checkboxes and radiobuttons used to work many years ago, but they’re broken for years – Hans blames Adobe for that. Your example works well in Apple Preview, Acrobat Pro 9 (2010), Skim, TeXshop, Safari, File Viewer. All of these use Apple’s PDF library, except the old Acrobat. Foxit Reader, Master PDF Editor, Opera, Firefox never show the custom icons but the default checkmark (Firefox a cross). PDF Studio 2019 doesn’t even that but shows a "4". PDF.js in Atom doesn’t support forms (but show the red icon). (I tested on MacOS 10.14.) Hraban