Hi Adam,
sure, you've mentioned AGaramondPro.
But I have the AGaramond+Expert fonts (Type1) installed in my texmf
tree with Walther Schmidts TFM and VF files (see the padxxxx-files in
the typescript I've sent).
(or in general but German http://home.vr-web.de/was/fonts.html)
And this is the crucial point: for theses files provide e.g.
optimized (German) kerning information (and more) I really don't want
to miss them!
And I have absolutely no idea how to access theses files.
Isn't is possible when processing with XeTeX to continue using those
precious hand-made virtual fonts?
Adam Lindsay
Hi Steffen,
You're pretty close. It's best not to rewrite your old scripts, rather, to make a new type-enc style script to replace your existing [serif] [agaramond][ec] script. This way, when changing engines, it's a simple step of changing the (default, perhaps?) encoding...
\starttypescript [serif] [agaramond] [uc] % XeTeX and Unicode is a happy combination \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-Regular]
Steffen Wolfrum said this at Mon, 11 Jul 2005 17:37:24 +0200:
\starttypescript [serif] [agaramond] [ec] \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-Regular] [padr9e] [encoding=uc] % was encoding=ec before xetex \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-Italic] [padri9e] [encoding=uc] % =ec \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-Bold] [padb9e] [encoding=uc] % =ec \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-BoldItalic] [padbi9e] [encoding=uc] % =ec \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-Semibold] [pads9e] [encoding=uc] % =ec \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-SemiboldItalic] [padsi9e] [encoding=uc] % =ec \stoptypescript \starttypescript [serif] [agaramond] [name] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [AGaramond-Regular] \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [AGaramond-Semibold]%[AGaramond-Bold-OSF] \definefontsynonym [SemiBold] [AGaramond-Semibold] \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [AGaramond-Italic] \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [AGaramond-SemiboldItalic]%[AGaramond-BoldItalic-OSF] \definefontsynonym [SemiBoldItalic] [AGaramond-SemiboldItalic] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [serif][allbold][all] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [SerifBold] \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [SerifBoldItalic] \stoptypescript
\starttypescript [AGaramondOldStyle] \definetypeface [normaltype] [rm] [serif] [agaramond] [default] [encoding=uc] % =ec \definetypeface [boldtype] [rm] [serif] [agaramond,allbold] [default] [encoding=uc] % =ec \stoptypescript