On 17 jun 2008, at 21:47, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Tue, 17 Jun 2008, Hans van der Meer wrote:
Following the article "The luafication of TeX and Context" in the recent issue of the NTG-MAPS I tried the example given: mtxrun --script fonts and this should return the options list for this script. However, I get: 101 ~: mtxrun --script fonts cannot open : No such file or directory While otherwise a bare mtxrun returns info and thus was found as a runnable script: 102 ~: mtxrun MtxRun | version 1.0.2 - 2007+ - PRAGMA ADE / CONTEXT MtxRun | --script run an mtx script In my .bashrc I had the lua scripts in the path: 103 ~: echo $PATH ..:/usr/local/texlive/texmf-context/scripts/context/lua/:.. And I had called luatools --generate to make the database plus I made certain the script has execute permissions: /usr/local/texlive/texmf-context/scripts/context/lua/mtx-fonts.lua - rwxr-xr-x
What is wrong or what I am doing wrong?
With old (almost 6-8 months ago) mtxrun, I had to set LUAINPUTS to get mtxrun --script to work. Now it works without the LUAINPUTS variable. I don't remember when the change happened.
Your mtxrun says version 1.0.2, mine says 1.1.0. So, try with the LUAINPUTS variable, or try mtxrun --selfupdate.
That is strange. I have the context distribution from 2008-05-21 and in it mtxrun.lua has the line: banner = "version 1.0.2 - 2007+ - PRAGMA ADE / CONTEXT". Is version 1.1.0 in an experimental version? (I keep away from beta versions, fearing something will break at the wrong moment -- surely one of Murphy's law will take over at a time when one cannot afford it ;-) I did 'mtxrun --selfupdate', as Hans Hagen suggested, but no change. Also I have a path variable LUAINPUTS to no avail: 103 ~: echo $LUAINPUTS /usr/local/texlive/texmf-context/scripts/context/lua Running 'luatools --generate' makes no difference. Taco Hoekwater suggested the culprit might be msdos line-endings, but I don't have these. Could it be the directory structure in my setup? /usr/local/texlive/2007/bin/powerpc-darwin/mtxrun (symlink with 'ln -s') /usr/local/texlive/texmf-context/scripts/context/lua/mtx-*.lua So, I am still stuck with "cannot open : No such file or directory." on calling 'mtxrun --script fonts' etc. The most strange of all is that 'mtxrun --script cache' and all the others do give me the list op options on the cache script. (mtx- web.lua being absent in the distribution). So only script fonts seems to have something wrong. Hans van der Meer