Adam Lindsay wrote:
Karl Berry said this at Fri, 11 Nov 2005 10:16:08 -0600:
Is this a "Halo" release for TeXLive?
I don't know what that means, but no, this context release won't be on
I should have been more precise. I've heard of "halo" releases being the last set of bug fixes for a given software series (such as MacOSX 10.3.9 or whatever was the final kernel in the Linux 2.2.n series).
the only problems with the software (kernels) i ran into was that previous te xlive binaries no longer run on this years kernels but that should not affect context and tex live
TL'05. That's frozen, and Manfred is making the golden masters for final testing and production now. From what Hans and Taco have told me, the post-TL context releases aren't critical, i.e., TL should be ok. If that's not the case, I don't want to know :). (Ok, not really, please inform ASAP if that's so :)
Oh. I haven't been following closely, but I did notice that Taco referred to the previous (2005.11.09) version as being a bit of a "problem child". http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Context_2005.11.11 I just wanted to flag the issue as soon as possible, in case Hans/Taco saw it as critical.
there has indeed been some fixes (some posted off list) that had to deal with latin modern, mptopdf (used outside context) as well as supp-pdf and such Hans