
I made the following question wrt swapping section labels and section numbers:

What I tried to do is the following section structure

1. Chapter (Name of chapter)
  1. 2 Section (Name of section)

Wolfgang Schuster offered the following solution for chapters in Spanish, thanks :)

\setuplabeltext[es][chapter={, capítulo}]

However, I asked if there is a way to use predefined section labels according to chapters, sections, parts, etc. e.g. Chapter (EN) or Capítulo (ES) without manually writing a \setuplabeltext for every language, so he suggested that I move my question here and there we are.


The TeX command \S (section mark) seems to be insensitive to font size commands. I've tried with


And the sign is smaller than the surrounding letters. I thought it was a matter of font design, but I've tried 


And it worked. My question is: why? Is it a bug or a feature with respect to \S? I'm using ConTeXt MKIV version 2020.05.25 23:39 with LuaTeX

Thank you in advance

Jairo :D