On 1 Sep 2024, at 03:53, Rik Kabel
wrote: Hello all, I am trying to implement some style-guide-defined (Chicago 17, and now, 18) requirements to the end notes in a book. The need is to insert non-end-note text into the list of end notes. But end notes are not a list (as far as I can see) and \writetolist and such are no help. The text to be inserted is of two types. The first is the name of the chapter from which the following notes were generated. It would be nice to automatically generate these. The second type is pseudo-end-notes crediting the book and chapter epigraphs, which should appear as unnumbered end notes (at the start of the note section and the start of each chapter's notes). Ideally these would be generated in the same way as regular end notes but will not increment the note numbers (and should not, at least in my use case, require cross-referencing or bookmarking). I can hack the first requirement with: \define[1]\EndNoteChapter{\testpage[3] \blank \midaligned{\tfa{Chapter #1}} \blank} in the environment and \EndNoteChapter{6 How I Saved the World} at the end of the last end note in the preceding chapter, but this is obviously prone to mistakes. I would rather integrate the handling into the chapter heading environment. I suppose that this hack might be extended to handle the epigraph notes as well, but it is just a hack. Has anyone successfully dealt with this before? If not, is there the possibility of adding similar functionality to \writetolist and such for end note structures?
Here’s a bit of a hack for the chapter splitting and might also enable the epigraphs for you as well (not quite sure what these should look like from your description.) \definenote[mynote] \setupnote[mynote][location=text] \setupnotation[mynote][] \definenote[chapone][mynote] \definenote[chaptwo][mynote] \definenote[chapthree][mynote] % etc \starttext \startchapter[title={AAA}] \def\note#1{\chapone{#1}} \dorecurse{15} { See my note at \note{something important}. } \stopchapter \startchapter[title={BBB}] \def\note#1{\chaptwo{#1}} \dorecurse{5} { See my note at \note{something important}. } \stopchapter \title{Endnotes} Chapter 1 notes \placenotes[chapone] \blank[2*line] Chapter 2 notes \placenotes[chaptwo] \stoptext — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK