On 9/24/2008 11:01 PM, Peter Daum wrote:
Hi all
I'm using Taco's Bibtex module and got some problems with it.
\setupbibtex[database=xxxxxx,sort=author] \setuppublications[alternative=apa-de,refcommand=authoryear,monthconversion=month] \placepublications[criterium=all]
... works fine. The references list contains only publications referenced in the document.
Unfortunately, I was forced to use a special bst file, since I needed to change the fields of the entrytype "misc". As I didn't find a way to make ConTeXt or texexec aware of this new file living in my document's directory, I deleted the database parameter, customised the aux file and ran bibtex by myself.
The problem is, that, with the new method, only a very small subset of the referenced publication makes it into the list. If I add "criterium=all" to the setuppublications command, I get the whole database, whether the pub is referenced or not.
Any ideas?
After reading t-bib.tex: […] \def\setupbibtex{\dosingleempty\dosetupbibtex} \def\dosetupbibtex[#1]% {\let\@@pbdatabase\empty \let\@@pbsort \empty \getparameters[\??pb][#1]% \expanded{\processaction[\@@pbsort]} [ \v!no=>\def\bibstyle{cont-no}, \v!author=>\def\bibstyle{cont-au}, \v!title=>\def\bibstyle{cont-ti}, \v!short=>\def\bibstyle{cont-ab}, \s!default=>\def\bibstyle{cont-no}, \s!unknown=>\def\bibstyle{cont-no}]% \ifx\@@pbdatabase\empty\else \writeauxfile \fi} […] I would suggest you put your .bst into, say, cont-my.bst and issue the command \def\bibstyle{cont-my} right after executing \setupbibtex - Matthias