On 4/22/06, Peter Münster wrote:
On Sat, 22 Apr 2006, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
- [with luaTeX in mind] calculating sums of rows & columns & other Excel-like calculations & references accross tables ;) - well, that one wasn't meant seriously.
Hello Mojca, should be possible even without luaTeX:
\input realcalc % can be found on CTAN
Thanks for the pointer! I've never used this one so far.
\def\SumFF{0} \def\SumEUR{0}
\def\AddEUR#1{\Radd\SumEUR\SumEUR{#1}% \Rmul\R{#1}{6.55957}\Radd\R\R{0.005}\Rtrunc\R2\R \Radd\SumFF\SumFF\R \bTR \bTD\eTD \bTD#1\eTD \expanded{\bTD\R\eTD} \eTR}
\def\PrintSums{\bTR \bTD Sums: \eTD \bTD\Rtrunc\SumEUR2\SumEUR \SumEUR\eTD \bTD\Rtrunc\SumFF2\SumFF \SumFF \eTD \eTR}
\starttext \setupTABLE[r][each][align=flushright] \setupTABLE[r][1][align=middle] \bTABLE \bTR \bTH\eTH \bTH Euro \eTH \bTH FF \eTH \eTR \AddEUR{1.23} \AddEUR{2.34} \AddEUR{45.67} \PrintSums \eTABLE \stoptext
With LaTeX, you can even replace the . by a , :
Stupid me! I forgot about the following trick \uccode`.=`, \WORD{3.14} (It can be surely done without using \WORD, but that was the easiest way to recall it from another evil example that Hans sent me some time ago.) Mojca