I am struggling with something that might be simple enough, but... The author is insisting that on the TOC page, after all the chapters and their page numbers, I need to add the line (obviously without any page number associated with it): 'All translations are by the author'. I have trie various combinations of \writetolist and \writebetweenlist, and I can get his comment at the beginning of the TOC, but I cannot get it at the end, and perhaps with some vertical space separation from the main list. How can I place it at the end? Here is my simple MWE where at least I can get it at the beginning: \starttochead[title={Contents}] \setcounter [userpage] [7] \setupheader[state=stop] \placecombinedlist[content] \writebetweenlist[chapter]{All translations are by the author!} \stoptochead Julian