On Wed, 06 Nov 2002 11:11:26 +0100
Hans Hagen
Sure, but i wonder why it is generated more than once, since it happens at shipout time, are you sure the previous code is in your file?
[if the problem is persistent, in need a minimal example showing it]
it only happens in a project-product structure, so here are the product and its only component: %%-- prod.tex --> % output=pdftex interface=en \startproduct prod \setupinteraction[state=start] %\startbodymatter \component comp \component comp %\stopbodymatter %\startbackmatter \component comp %\stopbackmatter \stopproduct %%-----< %%-- comp.tex --> \startcomponent comp \product prod \chapter{A Chapter} \section{A Section} \input tufte \section{Another Section} \input tufte \stopcomponent %%-----< The files above do not show the error, but if you uncomment the \start|stopbodymatter and/or \start|stopbackmatter then pdftex gives the message about duplicate destinations An additional problem is that i get an empty page at the end of my document. Hope it helps. Best, Jens