In what file do I put the path setting and which location?Thanks and regardsMed Vänlig Hälsning Jan-Erik Hägglöf
-------- Originalmeddelande --------Från: Nicola Datum: 2020-04-22 16:51 (GMT+01:00) Till: Ämne: Re: [NTG-context] Setting up macvim in mac os catalina to work with
LMTX On 2020-04-21, Jan-Erik Hägglöf wrote:> Hi !>> I am curious about testing macvim and it seems doing fine in edit> mode. But how do i set up the typesetting engine?>> As far as I understand, there is, the command :ConteXt with guidance> from the wiki>>> But I do not understand how to customize it to be directed to the path> to my engine>> I’ve installed the LMTX in /Users/janneman/context-osx-64/I haven't tried LMTX yet, but you may configure the path to the ConTeXtexecutable you want to use by setting `g:context_mtxrun`, e.g.: :let g:context_mtxrun='/path/to/context/mtxrun'Then, executing :ConTeXt will run the configured command. You may alsodefine shell enviroment variables, if needed. For instance, I haveconfigured Vim to use my installation of ConTeXt Beta as follows: :let g:context_mtxrun='PATH=$HOME/path/to/context-beta/tex/texmf-osx-64/bin:$PATH mtxrun'> The installation works fine in TeXshop but still an error shows up in> macvim and the message dissappears very quick so there is not much> time to read the cause of error.You may show a log of Vim messages by typing :messages.If you post the error message, I may better diagnose your issue.> I have created the subdirectory .vim/ftplugin/ and put the context.vim file there> also the corresponding in .vim/compiler/context.vim>> which is copied from the program located in> /usr/local/Cellar/macvim/8.2-163/'s unnecessary. MacVim's runtime path is searched by default.I recommend that you remove the files that you have copied into ~/.vim.ConTeXt in Vim works out of the box.Nicola___________________________________________________________________________________If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!maillist : / : / http://context.aanhet.netarchive : : http://contextgarden.net____________________________________________________...