Hi, I am switching all my docs to the roboto font as I just like the look of that font. During this I ran into a problem with \item: ! Math error: parameter \Umathquad\displaystyle is not set. .. l.26 \item h ere we list the points, In my example: as soon I enable any of the two \definetypeface lines I am running into that error.. even if I only enable the math font. Every hint is welcome :) Here is my example to reproduce the error: ---8<------ \enableregime[utf] \definefontfeature[fakesc][default][size=.8] \starttypescript [sans] [roboto] \definefontsynonym[Sans][name:robotolight][fallbacks=Sans] \definefontsynonym[SansBold][name:robotoregular] \definefontsynonym[SansItalic][name:robotolightitalic] \definefontsynonym[SansSlanted][name:robotolightitalic] \definefontsynonym[SansBoldItalic][name:robotoregularitalic] \definefontsynonym[SansBoldSlanted][name:robotoregularitalic] \definefontsynonym[SansCaps] [name:robotolight][features=fakesc] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [math] [latinmodern] \definefontsynonym[Math][name:latinmodernmathregular] \stoptypescript \definetypeface[fliesstext][ss][sans][roboto] \definetypeface[fliesstext][mm][math][latinmodern][default] \setupbodyfont[fliesstext,ss,11pt] \starttext \startitemize \item here we list the points, \item one after the other. \stopitemize \stoptext