Hi, I use the package "selnoligs.sty" in LuaLaTeX to selectively suppress ligatures.
From the selnolig package description:
"The selnolig package suppresses typographic ligatures selectively, i.e., based on predefined search patterns. The search patterns focus on ligatures deemed inappropriate because they span morpheme boundaries. For example, the word shelfful, which is mentioned in the TEXbook as a word for which the ff ligature might be inappropriate, is automatically typeset as shelfful rather than as shelfful." This works with LuaLaTeX: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage[ngerman]{selnolig} \begin{document} Auflage (no ligature) Abfluss (ligature) Auffahrt (no ligature) Schiffe (ligature) \end{document} How can I achieve the same in ConTeXt? This does not work: \mainlanguage[de] \starttext \language[de] Auflage Abfluss Auffahrt Schiffe \stoptext TIA juh