I spent some (too much) time today improving my Greek module. For the time being, two questions remain; I'm confident that they're not too difficult for the experts; any help would be appreciated. I've succesfully defined my fonts and scale like so: \def\setupgreek#1[#2]{% \getparameters[GG][Scale=,Font=,#2] \edef\MyScale{\GGScale}% \processaction[\GGFont] [ SomeFont1=>\def\MyFont{somefont }, SomeFont2=>\def\MyFont{someotherfont }]% } \protect (The space after "somefont" looks ugly, but I haven't figured out how to get rid of it; TeX will always complain if I delete it.) 1. After this definition, this will work: \definebodyfont[4pt,5pt,6pt,7pt,8pt,9pt,10pt,10.5pt,11pt,12pt,14pt,14.4p t,16pt,18pt,20pt,22pt][rm][Gf=\MyFont sa \MyScale] This, however, will not work: \definefont[Gf][\MyFont sa \MyScale] and I don't see why. Can anybody explain? I see that the \definefont... takes care of the annoying problem with font sizes, so I would prefer that way. 2. In my module, I define some special symbols: \define\koppa{\getglyph{\MyFont}{\char37}} Is there a way to give the same scaling factor here as in the definition of \Gf? I tried \define\koppa{\getglyph{\MyFont scaled XXXX}{\char37}} as a first attempt which kind of works but gives me the letters "at" in the pdf in front of the symbol. Best Thomas