Hi there, Am used to seeing the names of well known functions in upright math font, instead of italics. With LaTeX, it seems, this is default, plus one can use macros like `\mathrm` or `\textrm` for other text. An `\hbox{}` too, in plain TeX, but not around `\sin`, for example. With ConTeXt's LuaTeX-Plain format (may ConTeXt itself as well), these functions are in italics. Is it possible to control this via the redefinition of the math fonts? Following does not work for me: \font\lmromr = {LucidaBrightMathOT:mode=base} at 14pt \font\lmromi = {LucidaBrightMathOT:mode=base} at 14pt \font\lmromsr = {LucidaBrightMathOT:mode=base;script=math;ssty=0} at 12pt \font\lmromsi = {LucidaBrightMathOT:mode=base;script=math;ssty=0} at 12pt \font\lmromssr = {LucidaBrightMathOT:mode=base;script=math;ssty=1} at 10pt \font\lmromssi = {LucidaBrightMathOT:mode=base;script=math;ssty=1} at 10pt \textfont0 = \lmromr %--sin, cos, numbers \scriptfont0 = \lmromsr % \scriptscriptfont0 = \lmromssr % \textfont1 = \lmromi %--variables \scriptfont1 = \lmromsi % \scriptscriptfont1 = \lmromssi % \textfont2 = \lmromr %--symbols \scriptfont2 = \lmromsr % \scriptscriptfont2 = \lmromssr % \textfont3 = \lmromr %--extras \scriptfont3 = \lmromsr % \scriptscriptfont3 = \lmromssr % Same for CambriaMath or LatinModernRomanMath. For `\<font>0`, tried a non-math font, but it did not work. How to set `\<font>0` to use roman? and `\<font>1` to use italics? Thanks in advance, Aire. PS. Info from Khaled Hosny: [http://www.khaledhosny.org/node/131]