On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 4:34 PM Hans Hagen
On 9/21/2023 2:40 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Thu, 21 Sep 2023, Hans Hagen wrote:
a teaser for Aditya:
\definemathstackers[toprel][top][mathclass=\mathrelationcode] \definemathstackers[topbin][top][mathclass=\mathbinarycode]
\definemathextensible[toprel][frownedupon]["2322] \definemathextensible[topbin][frowned] ["2322]
\starttext $x \frownedupon{4} y + \frowned{!} z = 10$ \stoptext
Interesting, but I think that the OP wanted to use \frown as an accent, \definemathaccent[topfake][top][offset=auto]
\starttext $ x + \frowned{4} = 10$ \stoptext
when you add in math-acc the offset option after the alignsymbol option
\ifcstok{\mathaccentparameter\c!alignsymbol}\v!yes \s!nooverflow\space \fi \ifcstok{\mathaccentparameter\c!offset}\v!auto \s!base\space \fi
and someplace
\definesystemconstant {base}
(a patching exercise)
Nice with offset=auto. It is not clear to me what the intent/meaning is of the original example, but one can also try the 23DC (can extend as \overparent): \definemathtopaccent[topfake][frowned]["2322] \definemathtopaccent[topfake][Frowned]["23DC] \starttext $ x + \frowned{4} = 10$ $ x + \Frowned{4} = 10$ $ x + \Frowned{4444} = 10$ $ x + \overparent{4} = 10$ $ x + \overparent{4444} = 10$ \stoptext /Mikael