Dear Gerben or Hans, I have been away on holiday. So I have lost the result of this thread. Have you or Hans solved this problem. If so, do I need to upgrade i-tetex or ConTeXt or both. I would really like to solve this problem and get back to standard ConTeXt fonts. TIA
From: Hans Hagen
At 00:05 07/08/2003 +0200, Gerben Wierda wrote: Yes, this could be. If texexec or any ConTeXt tool does not use texmf.cnf values but has hardcoded ideas about where to find stuff (texmf), then the rearranging of the texmf directories could have an influence. Hans can probably say if this is possibly the case. After all, the rearranging had no ill effects whatsoever on TeX or LaTeX, because where files are is governed by texmf.cnf and that was adapted as well to reflect the changed situation. If there is hardcoded stuff in texexec that is playing a role (I am guessing here), making it dynamic by calls to kpsewhich is a good solution.
For the rest, the content of texmf.tetex is created by Thomas Esser, not me. And there you will find not a complete set of URW but an Adobe set and thatis what the discussion is also about. hans is right in stating that.
context can happily work in the texmf tree and does depemnd on its own trees; with regards to texfont:
- it will install in either texmf-fonts or texmf-local, depending on what is present; the reason for having texmf-fonts is that we need a place for commercial fonts (and texmf-local is for my updates, local stuff etc)
- texfonts uses prefixed names (texnansi-* and alike) for several reasons: (1) when i buy a font, i wan tto copy the fonts to some temp path, call texfont, and have the job done; i don't want to mess around with 8 char names that may conflict is i do something wrong;
- another reason for texfonts naming sheme of 'third party fonts' is that when one starts slanting fonts (and alike) the kb naming sheme does not keep track of what slant is used, which in principle will lead to conflicts if one has multiple instances (wherever they may come from)
- for the same reason i keep separate map files for those third part collections
- with regards to the fonts on tex live the confusion comes from the mix of adobe names and urw type ones. So far whatever i made default, failed on someones system, which is why we have now type-akb for the mixed users
- also: context font mechanism is set up in a way that makes it possible to combine fonts with minimal calls (once understood -), supporting relative scaling and alike; i don't want user sto be dependent on one (few) persons to define / install / use fonts.
If that is the case, texfont is a problem because it hard codes locations where texmf.cnf is the source for locations and kpsewhich is the way to find out about them.
afaik it uses kpsewhich an-r env vars and one can set things on the command line as well; there is not so much hard coded in there -)
-- Nigel