Selon Taco Hoekwater
rordorf@mdpi.org wrote:
We had similar problems with indenting after floats (figures and tables) and after headings. Paragraphs after these kind of objects seem to refuse indenting. We tried several options including "always" or "next" with the \setupindenting and \indenting commands. Is there any possibility to indent paragraphs after floats, headings and equations?
The most important of the block commands accept an indentnext key, for example:
\setuptyping [indentnext=yes] \setupitemize [each] [indentnext=yes] \setupfloats [table] [indentnext=yes] \setupformulas [indentnext=yes] \setuphead [section] [indentnext=yes]
Best wishes, Taco
Thank you. In this case, it would be great to have an option in \setupindenting that enables all of these in one time. By the way, shouldn't it be the role of the 'always' option? It would make sense... Best regards, Morgan