Hello, I am trying to get references working with Context as well as it did with Biblatex. Since I didn't find anything helpful in the documentation and the mailing-list, I ask here. My setup at the moment is the following : \usemodule[bib] \usemodule[bibltx] \setupbibtex[database=test] \setuppublications[alternative=apa-fr] \setupcolors[state=start] \setupinteraction[state=start,color=darkgreen] - Can I get hyperlinks working with references in Context ? For example, with Biblatex with a citation and its reference, if I select the authoryear style, then I get : "my citation" (author year). And the reader can click on the year and be redirected to the reference in the bibliography. The year is a hyperlink. Can we get the same behaviour with Context ? - Also, I have tried to get the following pattern for my references : (author year, page number). It is the pattern of the Chicago manual of style (http://library.williams.edu/citing/styles/chicago2.php). To get this style, I have tried for example the following : \cite[extras={, p. 41}][guerrien2008theorie] But instead of the pattern (author year, page number), I get (author, year, page number). Can I remove the comma between author and year ? - Finally, is my setup wrong ? Indeed, with the setup I have copy-pasted above my bibliography remains empty. Sincerely, Alexandre Krispin