Hi there, I have a situation where numbered chapters are occasionally interspersed with unnumbered chapters, so, for example, it might be: 1 First chapter title with number second chapter title unnumbered 2 Second chapter title with number 3 Third chapter title with number ----------- Now, I can achieve what I want by putting something like the following for a 'normal' chapter (by which I mean one that needs to be numbered, but would otherwise be out of sequence): \chapter[title={\sc My chapter title that needs a different number},ownnumber=2] And in the case of the interspersed 'other' chapter (that is, the one that follows Chapter 1 numbered, still needs a title, but no number, and therefore breaks the normal number increment), I define 'mychapter' in the initial setup, then: \mychapter[title={\sc MY UNNUMBERED CHAPTER TITLE},number=no] ----------- But I was wondering if there was a way that I could achieve the result I want in the initial setup for the two different kinds of chapters. If it were a regular pattern, e.g. 1 chapter, unnumbered chapter, 2 chapter, unnumbered chapter, that might be easier to do, but in the situation I am dealing with, there is not this regularity. You may well tell me that since I can achieve what I want as described above, that should suffice. I will be happy to have that confirmed. On the other hand, someone may have a more elegant suggestion in the initial setup that enables me to call in the specific kind of chapter I need at the time in a simpler way. Julian