Hi there, what I'm trying to achieve is splitting a paragraph into two -- from TeX's point of view -- that still look like one single paragraph. To this end, I have to make sure that the last line of the first paragraph is justified just like all the surrounding lines, so, in the pdf output one couldn't tell that this is actually the end of a paragraph. so, How can I force the last line to be justified as well? In order to see the reason for my question, consider the following example: \setupwhitespace[big] \setupalign[line] \starttext \dorecurse{3}{\input knuth\par} \placefigure[right][fig:test1]{Basically just a bit of empty space.} {\framed[width=0.5\textwidth,height=0.4\textheight,offset=none]{Test}} {\input tufte\par} \stoptext The first couple of lines of the paragraph beginning on page two should really go on the previous page. Since the hang mechanism of \placefigure doesn't work due to the page break, I'd like to split this paragraph into two logical entities, so TeX can put the first on the first page and treat the second as a separate paragraph flowing around the picture. However, the reader should not be aware of this split. Any help much appreciated, Elias