Am 20.05.2011 um 20:23 schrieb Daniel Schopper:
Great! Thanks a lot, Wolfgang! Yet… I have some other questions:
- What about a simplified \page inside the lemma (not really common, but anyway…)? Adding \appendtoks\def\page[#1]{}\to\simplifiedcommands is ignored.
You use in your example “\page” without an argument while you define here \page with an explicit argument which isn’t the same for TeX. What can work is “\appendtoks\let\page\gobbleoneoptional\to\simplifiedcommands“ but i think it‘s better to solve this with a different input where you write an alternative text for the notes where none of these commands are present.
- How can I tweak the note mechanism to put the apparatus notes inside one single paragraph, concatenated by some arbitrary separator (\quad or -- or something similar)? (Eventually I‘d like the lemmatas which appear on the same page to be grouped in a paragraph) - I guess it should be somewhere in strc-not.mkiv but must have missed it…
\setupnote [endnote] [paragraph=yes, inbetween=...] % default: \hskip1em \setupnotedefinition [endnote] [display=no] Wolfgang