On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 5:27 PM, Santy, Michael
Due to some fairly unique customer requirements for bibliography, we're using the simple bibliography discussed in the wiki (http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Simple_Bibliography). While this approach gives us more flexibility, I'm having trouble with a couple of things...
1) The code below wraps the reference number in brackets. How would I make the reference number superscript (like an endnote)?
\def\startHIGH{\raise.5ex\normalhbox\bgroup\tfx} \def\stopHIGH{\egroup} \definereferenceformat[cite][left=\startHIGH,right=\stopHIGH]
2) The references in the text are numbered in the order the bibitems are defined in the bibliography, not the order on which they are cited in the text. How would I order them according to the order in which they occur in the text?
requires more coding.
Thanks, Mike Santy
\setupinteraction[state=start] \definereferenceformat[cite][left={[},right={]}] \defineitemgroup [bibliography] [levels=1] \setupitemgroup [bibliography] [symbol=n, left={[}, right={]}, width=1.5em, stopper=, itemalign=flushright, inbetween={\blank[4pt]}] \appendtoks \let \bibitem \itemgroupitem \to \itemgroupcommands
Now is the time\cite[ref2] for all good men\cite[ref1]. I would like the citations to be numbered based on the order in which they occur in the document, not in the bibliography.
\startbibliography \bibitem[ref1] This is my first reference \bibitem[ref2] This is the second reference \stopbibliography