On 6/4/24 21:22, Hans Hagen wrote:
best add a missing \stopplacecodelisting That one's on me, thank you. Unfortunately, this does not fix the main issue. Checking the MWE's logs reveals that the splitting command found nothing to split, even if there's enough text for multiple pages. My best guess is that something goes awry when checking how much vertical space is available, since uncommenting the filler line leaves no space for an additional line in the page.
On 6/4/2024 3:57 PM, Давыдов, Кирилл Александрович wrote:
On a related note, one can also observe that with specific amounts of text a float may end up being split in two on a single page, however I could not replicate it. Replicated it: \definefloat[codelisting][codelistings] \setupcaption[codelisting][location=top] \setuplabeltext[english][codelisting=Listing ] \showboxes \starttext %\dorecurse{37}{line\crlf} % splits fine up to this point \dorecurse{38}{line\crlf} % split on the same page %\dorecurse{39}{line\crlf} % float vanishes, "there is nothing to split" %\dorecurse{40}{line\crlf} % all fine \startplacecodelisting[ title=My great C program on display!, location=split, ] \startsplittext \tt\dorecurse{6}{\input zapf} \stopsplittext \stopplacecodelisting \stoptext