Recently I reported the following problem: On 25 sep. 2011, at 19:58, H. van der Meer wrote:
I used the following macro for typsetting literature references in footnotes. It worked without problems until now, but then I didn't use the bib module for some time. It looks like a problem has crept in with the <inproceedings> type.
The error message: <to be read again> \pbd: \bibgetvart #1->\csname pbd:#1\endcsname \plussix
Digging into the code I finally was able to nail the problem: the offending citation being of type "t=inproceedings" was missing the "title" item. Then I observe a call with #1 in bibgetvart empty, somehow leading to a missing \endcsname error message. Obviously earlier this wasn't a problem but now is. I guess because the code changed since my previous work on the project. Hans van der Meer