Dear cabal, I have uploaded an updated version of the ConTeXt-support package for Notepad++ (Npp): http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Image:Npp_ConTeXt.zip For details, see the Readme as well as http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20070813.050137.7a5796f0.en.html There are lots of small improvements. One nice feature is that from any text selection (such as a control sequence) you may do a ConTeXt Wiki search from the RUN menu or ALT-F2. In addition there is Google and Wikipedia search. Also, I have included the wonderful Explorer plugin. Most of the Scite ConTeXt commands are included (same shortcuts), in both RUN and script versions (for the console F6). Npp is one of the most powerful and useful text editors around. For windows users (you can also use it under wine) wanting a more modern interface with loads of included features (see especially the TextFX menu), it deserves a close look. I hope that someone will wikify this under the Text-Editor page. Enjoy! Best wishes Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shi`i Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 -- Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/