I discovered the manuals in the context distribution. My general way to
built the manuals were these steps:
# execute one time
git clone https://github.com/contextgarden/context.git
cd context/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/
# for every manual
context $MAIN_MANUAL_FILE.tex
Is there a way to speed this up, so to build all manuals with one
command (some make file or shell script for example)?
I saw some problems within the manuals:
- In units/units-mkiv.tex the spacing seems not to work with current
LMTX. See the attached screenshot (units-mkiv.png) for my rendering.
In my understanding the spaces should differ.
- I changed some typos(?) and other stuff in that file. The patch is
attached (0001-units-mkiv-improve.patch).
- math/math-mkiv.tex seems not to compile. The last lines of the log:
system >
system > ConTeXt ver: 2024.01.08 11:23 LMTX fmt: 2024.1.16 int: english/english
system >
system > 'cont-new.mkxl' loaded
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mtx-context | purged files: math-mkiv-t-b-ce3b35636ef01ee62897a2beb76049e0.log, math-mkiv-t-b-ce3b35636ef01ee62897a2beb76049e0.tmp, math-mkiv-t-b-ce3b35636ef01ee62897a2beb76049e0.tuc
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pages > flushing realpage 18, userpage 16, subpage 18
pages > flushing realpage 19, userpage 17, subpage 19
structure > sectioning > section @ level 3 : 0.3.1 -> Scripts
tex error > tex error on line 370 in file /home/gerion/src/context/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/math/math-spacing.tex: Math error: parameter 'subshiftdown' with id 49 in style 2 is not set
<macro> \math_m_nop
#1->\relax \ifmmode #1\else \normalstartimath \usemathstyleparameter \mathematicsparameter \c!mathstyle \expand \everyinsidemathematics \relax \begingroup #1\endgroup \normalstopimath