Am 20.11.2012 um 08:56 schrieb H. Özoguz
I got this eMail, and copy it here, maybe someone understands what changed and caused this Bug.
I looked at your not_so_short_example in ntg-context Digest, Vol 101, Issue 53, 18 November 2012, and I found that your problem, the section title alone at the bottom of a page, occurs only in some versions of the ConTeXt standalone, not in others. That on TeXLive will be OK (it was on my installation) My recent version of ConTeXt (14-11-2012) was not OK but some older versions (from march and may this year and even as recent as october 28) do not give your problem. For he others, I tried to avoid the problem by adding to your setup:
\clubpenalty=10000 % keine Schusterjungen / no clubs (from Ubuch) \widowpenalty=10000 % keine Hurenkinder / no widows
but that did not change anything, starngely enough.
Maybe you could ask Hans Hagen or Wolfgang Schuster to have a look at the code and find out what's wrong. I hope this helps a little for the time being.
It’s a problem with \blank which ignore the “samepage” keyword in grid mode. When you process this example in normal mode “line 40” is moved to the second page but in grid mode it stays on the first page. %\setuplayout[grid=yes] \starttext \dostepwiserecurse{1}{40}{1}{Line \recurselevel\par} \blank[samepage,line] \dostepwiserecurse{41}{50}{1}{Line \recurselevel\par} \stoptext Wolfgang