Hello, I hope I'm doing this right.

I discovered a bug where the spacing between rows becomes too large in a mathmatrix when used in between \startalign and \stopalign.

I posted on StackExchange and was told to report it here: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/130636/context-wrong-mathmatrix-spacing-between-rows-in-startalign-environment

I've included the MWE, from the above link, below.

Thanks for the quick response,
Andreas From

\setupmathmatrix[left={\left[\,}, right={\,\right]}]
   \startmathmatrix \NC 1 \NR \NC 2 \NR \NC 3 \NR \stopmathmatrix
\startformula \startalign
   \NC \startmathmatrix \NC 1 \NR \NC 2 \NR \NC 3 \NR \stopmathmatrix \NR
\stopalign \stopformula