OK, here's another one. For the code, I must admit: http://www.alyssahiba.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/no-idea-what-im-doing-d... I think it was the Wolfgang who helped me with this a couple of months ago. I want a start/stop pair that will take as an argument a key-value to set the beginning of the line numbering. So here's my example: \def\startnumberedblockquote {\dosingleempty\dostartnumberedblockquote} \def\dostartnumberedblockquote[#1]% {\getrawparameters[numberedblockquote][start=1,#1]% \blank[line]% \begingroup \setupindenting[no]% \setuplinenumbering[location=text] \startlinenumbering[width=1cm][\numberedblockquotestart]} \def\stopnumberedblockquote {\stoplinenumbering \endgroup \blank[line]} \starttext \startnumberedblockquote[start=3] \input knuth \stopnumberedblockquote \stoptext This works with 2012.06.30 12:32, but not with 2012.07.07 15:04. All best Thomas