On Sun, 19 Apr 2020, Jeong Dal wrote:
Dear all,
I am trying to make an animation using the animation module. But it draws 10 figures instead of creating animation. Is there anything I have to do more? Or, is there a better way to do this?
Thank you for reading.
Best regards,
\startuseMPgraphic{inversionPoint}{n} vardef findPointD(expr C, Q, r) = numeric dist, ang; pair X, Y; dist := r**2/sqrt((xpart Q - xpart C)**2 + (ypart Q - ypart C)**2); ang := angle(Q - C); Y := C + dir(ang)*dist; Y enddef; numeric radius, now, move; pair A,B,C,P,Q; path p,q;
radius := 2cm; C := origin; p := fullcircle scaled (2*radius); z[1] = point 6 of p; z[2] = point .8 of p;
q := (1.5*z1 - .5*z2) -- (-.5z1 + 1.5*z2); %q := fullcircle scaled radius shifted (2cm, 1cm); draw p; draw q; %for i := 0 step 0.1 until 1: move := 0.1; now := move*\MPvar{n}; P := point now along q; Q := findPointD(C, P, radius); drawdot P; drawdot Q withcolor .625red; dotlabel.lft(textext("P"),P); dotlabel.rt(textext("Q"),Q) withcolor .625red; %endfor; \stopuseMPgraphic
\usemodule[animation] \setupinteraction[state=start]
\starttext %\startplacefigure[] \startanimation[menu=yes] \dorecurse{10}{ \useMPgraphic{inversionPoint}{n=\recurselevel} } \stopanimation %\stopplacefigure \stoptext
Also see my simple wrapper around this: https://adityam.github.io/context-blog/post/metapost-animation/ Aditya