Oh, by the way, if I put \fpos at the beginning of a paragraph,
it adds an extra blank line. I have to force it to the
horizontal mode like:
\leavevmode\fpos{A-1} . . . \tpos{A-1}
So is it safe to change the definition of \fpos to add
\leavevmode at the beginning of the macro?
Hi Hans and Wolfgang,
I'm just trying to make some illustrations about the Chinese typesetting
features. So I choose the way which is described in Chapter 5 of the metafun
manual. And I wanna draw a line from the text I wanna comment on to the
marginal notes which my comments lay on.
To highlight them, I drew an underline below the contexts which is to be commented
and put a square around the comments. Everything is under control except
I put \fpos and \tpos around the comments, the framed box is not exactly what
I want. It seems that metafun still thought it's in the main text so it drew the bounding
around the body.
I found the mpos:par was defined in core-pgr.tex and it used show_par or draw_par which
are defined in mp-core.mp. I don't think it's a good way to define another MPpositiongraphic
called like mpos:marginpar to match my case. Do you think it's possible to change
some of the core codes to make metafun recognize where she is.
Best Regards
Zhi-chu Chen | Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility
No. 2019 | Jialuo Rd. | Jiading | Shanghai | P.R. China
tel: 086 21 5955 3405 | zhichu.chen.googlepages.com
| www.sinap.ac.cn