Hello all: can somebody tell me why can be possible that the same file runs ok on windows and in linux aborts with (both the last version): xxxxxxxxxx ERROR: TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [save size=5000]. --- TeX said --- \updatefontparameters ...a \fontfile \s!features } \edef \@@fontskewchar {\tr... \xxdododefinefont ...newfontidentifier \endcsname \autofontsizefalse \ifskip... \fontstrategy ...me \fontclass #2#3#4#5\endcsname \tryingfontfalse \fi ...yle \fontalternative \fontsize \fi \iftryingfont \fontstr... \synchronizefont ...strategy \the \fontstrategies \relax \fi \iftryingfont \... \dosetcurrentfontxxxalternative ...endcsname }{#1} xxxxxxxx I don't know what to look foor. Thankyou very much. -------------------- Horacio Suarez Editorial Antropofagia www.eantropofagia.com.ar _________________________________________________________________ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! http://messenger.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/