1- I would like to suppress hypenation in a text of a \startfiguretext within a \setlayerframed I am aware of the thread in jan 03 on the list and the fact that\setupalign[nothyphenated] (or \nohyphens) overshoot the right margin On the other hand I do not know where to put the align={left,nothyphenated,width} that was suggested in the reply here is the piece I work with: \setlayerframed[page][preset=righttop, column=1,line=30][width=\dimexpr((\paperwidth-2cm)/2),align=]{\getbuffer[b]} with the buffer: \startfiguretext [left][]{} {\externalfigure[t1][width=.2\textwidth]} ... <<<nohypened text>>... \stopfiguretext 2- still awfully raw on context I am looking for the options of \setlayerframed, list and meaning, command that is absent from manuals or web info-tools in details.pdf some examples are build with \setlayer[..][..]{\framed[..]{..}} what's the difference, if any, betwwen the two form?