On Sep 13, 2007, at 12:49 PM, Arthur Reutenauer wrote:
You mean with LuaTeX? Copypasting isn't supported yet in LuaTeX so it's no surprise that it wouldn't work (for me Adobe Reader and Preview fail in two different ways). As for pdfTeX I leave that to Taco and others to answer.
But hyphenation is another important issue, maybe even clearer.
Yes, I meant in pdfTeX, sorry for being imprecise.
Actually, now I think about it, the name for U+03F2 has "symbol" in it, and that's a clear indication that the character is intended for "technical use", not for inputting Greek text; so your choice is consistent with the intent of the Standard.
OK, good to hear that. I now realize that much of the stuff that I hacked together for use with pdfTeX worked by dumb luck; with luaTeX, I'll be forced to be adhere to standards more closely. I guess that's a good thing...
Somewhere in the middle of writing it, I realized that I should have written it in Lua :-) It wouldn't have been much different.
Yes, I'm hoping to look into lua as well. Thanks so much! Thomas