Hello, how can I use protruding with mkiv and luatex? I tried different examples from the different manuals and the garden and found the following piece that works OK with pdftex and mkiv (?): ---------------------------------------------------------- \setupcolors[state=start] \setupfontsynonym [Serif] [handling=normal] \definetypeface[palatino][rm][serif][palatino][default] \setupbodyfont[palatino] \starttext \startframedtext[width=.5\textwidth,background=screen, offset=none,frame=off,align=hanging] \input tufte \stopframedtext \stoptext ---------------------------------------------------------- Is this the right way to use protruding with mkiv and luatex? And if it works, how do I use it with the otf version of delicious which typescript was presented some days ago on this list? And how can I use hz? (if I understand it right, hz makes some distances between characters mor beautifully) Thank you Uwe