On Mon, 23 Jan 2023 08:22:46 +0100
juh via ntg-context
At work at my cooperative Hostsharing eG we use the way Markdown --> Pandoc --> ConTeXt and we are quite happy with the results. Sadly I don't have time to document it in full up to now.
OK. thanks.
For my own writing I was using Markdown --> Pandoc --> ConTeXt for quite a while and was happy with it, too. Recently I switched to Org-Mode as I started to use org-roam to organize my Zettelkasten and want to make use of the org-mode TODO workflow states to organize the writing process. I use org-pandoc to export from org-mode/emacs to context.
Interesting. I'm also into Zettelaksten, but consider to just use index cards. :-)
I can also use ox-context but I have difficulties to customize it to my needs.
I see...
The main problem is that both org-pandoc and ox-context are developed by very few people. My lisp knowledge is very limited so I have to stick with what is there.
Here I am with you. ;)
Having a solid pipe from the first ideas to the print pdf would be nice. For now I would say that the exports from org-mode are the weak element in the chain. But if they fail I can export to Markdown and do the last steps via Markdown --> Pandoc.
Consdidering that either way, iow. both for Markdown or org-mode, I bet that some work is to be done on the exported markup before producing PDF, I wonder if you write/tweak ConTeXt markup in Emacs? For that purpose I also played a bit with digestif...
That said I have to confess that I do more sophisticated layout things like flyers in pure ConTeXt as it is much faster.
I can imagine, but I've a long way before mastering ConTeXt...still I'm confident that for producing a book it is better option than fiddling with LaTex - I did two books long ago using it along with LyX - but for preparing the content, it could be easier to do it using markdown/org-mode. Sincerely, Saša -- A person is considered still further advanced when he regards honest well-wishers, affectionate benefactors, the neutral, mediators, the envious, friends and enemies, the pious and the sinners all with an equal mind.