Hi, I need a textbackground inside a \framed macro, which uses it's own background (overlay). Sadly the textbackground appears behind the framed background and my attempts to change this order haven't succeeded. \setuptextbackground[foo] [level=+1] brings the textbackground to the top, but overwrites the text. Also I haven't found a way to change the background level for \framed (e.g. set it to -2), which would easily solve the problem. Is there a way to make it appear above the framed background, but still below the text? Greetings, Peter \setupoutput[pdftex] \setupcolors[state=start] \definetextbackground[foo] [backgroundcolor=lightgray, frame=off, level=-1, % -3,-2,-1,+1,+2 ] \startuniqueMPgraphic{bar} fill OverlayBox withcolor red ; \stopuniqueMPgraphic \defineoverlay[bar][\uniqueMPgraphic{bar}] \starttext An example of a \starttextbackground[foo]textbackground\stoptextbackground. \framed {An example of a \starttextbackground[foo]textbackground\stoptextbackground.} \framed[background=color,backgroundcolor=yellow] % level=-2 {An example of a \starttextbackground[foo]textbackground\stoptextbackground.} \framed[background=bar] % level=-2 {An example of a \starttextbackground[foo]textbackground\stoptextbackground.} \stoptext