Renaud AUBIN wrote:
Maurício a écrit :
I don't have the exact dimenstions. You can check it here (Open Office document):
dead link... but it's ok with the word "gabaritos"... The format you use is letter, right (just to be sure since here we use A4) ?
It's working now, I've just downloaded that file. I belive that paper is letter, although A4 is usually a lot more common here.
I will learn Metafun right now. Do you think I can get Context to write a music list in a way that the text fits automatically into the label? I would like to create a standard template for labels so that I could change only the music list and title. That list could be as small as 3 songs or as big as 30 songs organized into sections.
You could probably do that with shaped text but for section, I'm affraid that you'll have to manage it by hand (can't use \section in shaped text)... I'll make an example asap...
Sections are not that important, as long as I can have different formats for some lines of text, and I'm sure that's not a problem. For sure, an example would be great! Maurício