20 Jul
20 Jul
8:10 p.m.
On Fri, Jul 20 2012, d_jan wrote:
\setupcaptions[location=bottom] \def\PlaceRightFigure#1#2{{\setupcaptions[location=right]% \placefigure{#1}{#2}}} \starttext \placefigure{caption 1}{figure 1} \PlaceRightFigure{caption 2}{figure 2} \placefigure{caption 3}{figure 3} \stoptext Sorry that I get back on this so late: thanks a lot, it works very well.
Please don't send a message to the list, just to say "thank you". Millions of list-readers have to spend time opening and reading it. For one person it's "thank you", but for all the others it's spam. Anyway, please take Wolfgang's solution, it's the better one. (as always... ;) -- Peter