Hello, I have a reference list in a bibtex file. For example, an entry such as this one: @article{hirsch_does_2007, title = {Does the h index have predictive power?}, volume = {104}, shorttitle = {Does the h index have predictive power?}, number = {49}, journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, author = {Hirsch, J.E.}, month = dec, year = {2007}, pages = {19193--19198} }, Currently, this entry appears in my list of references as follows: Hirsch, J. (2007). Does the h index have predictive power?. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(49), 19193–19198. I have two questions: - Notice that only the first initial appears? How to get both/all initials? - There is a point after the question mark, which is ugly. The same would go for a title ending in a '!', btw. How to get rid of it? To be complete, here are my relevant settings: %%% Bibliography \usemodule[bib] \usemodule[bibltx] \setupbibtex[database={bibliography},sort=author] \setuppublications[ alternative=apa, % the default refcommand=authoryears, % e.g. (Buter 2010) sorttype=cite, % in order of citing criterium=chapter, % per chapter numbering=yes, % number the references ] \setuppublicationlist[ authoretallimit=10, artauthoretallimit=10, ] \setupcite[ pubsep=; ] The answer is probably straightforward, so I apologise in advance. With kind regards, Renald